Sorry I’m Late…I’ve been writing

Hi, it’s your girl. I’m back.

I know it’s been about a month since my last post. But that’s okay because I’ve been writing. These past few weeks have been hectic with my normal life and then with my writing life. So I wanted to give an update and an apology for my lack of posting to my blog. For the past month, I was writing and reading. I kicked myself in the ass to start writing. I want to get my work in progress finished by the end of March.

As of this week, I hit 20,000 words for Project Selkie and I wanted to cry. That’s nowhere close to my word count goal, but you don’t understand. When it comes to writing books, I always quit before I finish. I looked at my old Wattpad page and I never finished those projects. The last time I finished a book fully, I was sixteen years old. So to hit 20,000 words in my novel, I couldn’t believe I came so far. But the hard work isn’t done. Still have 30,000 words left to go and I’m so excited to get it finished.

In other writing news, I’m writing a short story for a submission deadline. So I’ve moved my novel deadline to some time in April since I need to get this short story submission finished by the end of March. I want my fair shot at this so I prioritize my short story first. And to be honest, it’s really hard. I had a full writing day yesterday on my day off and I hit that point where you hate your own story.

Is it worth finishing? Is it any good? Does it make sense? It’s at this point where I usually finish the story, barely edit it and give up on submitting it. But Im pushing through. Just got my 4, 000 words down and now I need to do a lot of editing to it. Writing is hard. It’s never easy but I know if I can get it done, I’ll feel so amazing at the end. Been challenging myself a bit as well. For example, I missed a few days of writing so I challenged myself to write 7,800 words in a day to catch up with the word count I missed.

My god, it was really hard. I ended up hitting 6,000 words in the end and that’s when I hit the 20,000-word landmark. An amazing feeling and I want to keep that train going.

Other writing news, I decided to give myself a challenge. I saw a tiktok where someone said if you write a page a day, you’ll get a book at the end of the year. So I started my own personal project that I hope to write for this time next year. It also a project where if I get overwhelmed by Project Selkie, I’ll snug up to this one. So I’m excited for that one as well. A project for fun and joy while I write the hard hitting book.

So it has been an amazing time for writing for me. I’m glad to have that spark to get me going and hopefully it keeps me going. I have other thoughts on my mind, that I may share in another blog post soon. But thats all I have for you for now. Hope you are doing well and see you all in the next post 💜