College ruined my love for reading

For reading that is. Let me explain. I went to college for English and History. Then I went on to do a Master’s degree in English. I loved reading and literature so, of course, I would do a college course in what I love.

My parents wanted me to be a lawyer but I chose books. I wanted to follow my heart. I loved reading since I was about 11 or 12 and I loved writing even before that. I wanted to delve into the beauty of literature. Yes, I was that college student. I loved reading all these new books I had never heard of. I learned so much from my time in college. However, the massive downside to doing an English-based course in college is my loss of love for reading.

With reading literature for college, you read a lot. You pile up on all the class readings. You had to read Jane Eyre in one week, and an extract from Jonathan Swift done for another week. Massive amounts of work and it keep coming. I loved the introductions to new writers and works, but reading became part of the flow. It wasn’t for fun anymore. It was preparation for the next assignment. So all the readings of YA and my favorite genres ceased when I was in college and I began to read analytically.

If you are a literary student, you would know. Scanning every page to find the perfect quote to show your points in your essays. You don’t end up reading the whole text in the end. You just read what is necessary, so the fun gets taken away immediately. I loved reading, but college certainly took the fun out of it. I stopped reading for pleasure once I was in college. Now, seven or eight years later, I have started to read again. My reading habit and speed have depleted massively, but I still am reading. A slow but rewarding journey. I hope to go back to my old habits and enjoy reading again.

What brought me back to my love for reading? The answer is Booktube. I started watching reading related content on YouTube. I watched BookswithChloe, Jaime’s Library, Irish reader, Piera Forde, and many more. Finding other creatives who love reading, helped me explore more books and reinspired me to read for fun. I found purpose again through their content, my reading, and my writing. I envy those people who get to make a living out of talking about what they love. I love to watch them revel in their passions and discover something new along the way. That’s why I love reading. College ruined my passion for reading, but Booktube brought it back. It revitalized it.

A bit of a rambly and short one today, but I hoped you enjoyed it. See you in the next one.